How to start your business
William Edwards Deming
Engineer, Statistician, Professor, Author, Lecturer, And Management Consultant
There is no one in the entire world who knows you more that you know yourself. You are the only person, who knows where you want to live, what you want to drive, what you want to wear, what you enjoy eating, which charity you want to donate to and so on.
What I do know however is that in order to finance all your dreams, you are going to need more money. I also know that it is better to earn an honest living by making money in a professional and ethical way, by helping others who will in turn to help you.
If you want to change your financial life for the better, you need to grasp this concept really-really fast and deep;
“The life that you want to live will not come to you as matter of luck, blessing, gifts or talent, but by having a clear vision of what you want, and recognizing the patterns, understanding the processes, following the steps and taking the correct actions that recreates the results that you desire”
Every desirable result that can be repeated is a system. All systems have patterns, processes, steps that requires actions, which, if properly identified can be repeated to produce the same results again and again.
Look at the familiar process of making babies by humans. For thousands of years the process, the steps, the actions of making babies has been the same, regardless of continent, colour, or race.
Everyone who recognizes the pattern and follow the process through particular steps and actions is guaranteed of their desired result- newborn baby.
Both poverty and wealth as systems are simply consequences or results of constantly maintained actions, steps, processes that follows certain patterns
Every day, poor people actively take actions that stops them from getting wealthy, while the wealthy actively take actions that create wealth for themselves.
Put differently, poor people don’t do what wealthy people do and wealthy people don’t do what poor people do. It is that simple. Change your daily actions to change your conditions.
Action is the first step to create movement and everything in this planet is in constant motion, which is created by continued actions that maintains the status quo. Even the earth that seems static is constantly moving, rotating 24hrs a day.
Even a piece of rock that you see on the ground is constantly moving and the reason it seem static is that, it is simply trapped by the ground it sits on. Try to remove the soil under it, and you will see that it will immediately move to the lowest point on the ground without any effort from you.
In a nutshell, the results that you want will be determined by the actions you take, the steps you follow, the process you understand and the patterns you recognize.
It is not you current material conditions, your environment, your background nor color that creates poverty or wealth but the daily actions that you take which maintains your current conditions.
It is only when the perfect poverty patterns, processes, steps and actions are copied and repeated, that poverty (which is a consequence), can be reproduced.
The same goes for wealth
If you don’t recognise the patterns, don’t understand the process, don’t follow the steps and don’t take the correct actions required to create wealth, you will not achieve you desired wealth.
As promised, this book will help you to understand what you need to do to reach your financial goal of making your first one million in one year as a registered professional debt counsellor.
If you follow the strategies and processes described in the following chapters, there should be no reason why you should not find your financial success.
2020 Apr 02 –Content coming soon
2020 Apr 02 –Content coming soon